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A Good Desk

A Good Desk

 Maybe I forgot what a difference a good desk can make. It is almost like a laying a good foundation. For years I was using a compact desk because it did the job. I wouldn’t have purchased my new desk if it didn’t come to mind that I needed it. I had another monitor to set up. I had no choice but to make room. (The monitor by the way; also makes me more efficient.) With my new workspace I was able to layout everything more freely. I thought I was saving space with a compact table. But after setting everything up I was now utilizing more of every square inch. After building it I soon realized I should have built it sooner. It was like a breath of fresh air. It was multipurpose; a writing space, creating art space, a reading space.

 My writing, and art supplies are at arm’s length away. In sight and in mind. They weren’t stored neatly away. They weren’t in stacks. Seeing my supplies not only made things more utilized but made me happy. Seeing the colors, uses, possibilities; I was ready to work. My workspace was somehow encouraging me to start a new project. I imagined them saying, “We are here and ready to help you create!!”. My foundation makes starting and progressing have an ease to it.