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Interactive Art

Interactive Art

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to go to Washington DC. I was advocating for the eradication of Malaria. Before catching my flight back to Michigan I wanted to do some museum hopping and see historical monuments.

I stopped by the National Museum of Natural History and the nearby; Smithsonian American Art Museum. First of all, interactive art will more than likely win me over every time I see it. I was impressed by the interactive art of Do Ho Suh. His pieces were art imitating life. Do Ho Suh's largest structure was a variety of corridors that could be walked through but not touched. Prior to entering the corridors the audience was able to feel the fabric swatch of the fabric used in the structure. I'm assuming to get the urge of touching everything out of the way. The hallways reflected the places he lived around the world. The hallways change in size and style.

Some of my other favorite pieces of his were cased and fixed on the wall of the museum. Those pieces were utilities and appliances. 

I loved his use of fabric, thread, and wire. He captured the minute details while keeping his message simple and straightforward. The embroidery, and construction was thoroughly thought out and beautifully executed.  

It was a joy to experience and partake in. This kind of work brings out the magic in the art museums that I search and crave for.